Concealed Fixings for high quality finish. Ideal for capping single, double or triple glazed glass, acrylic and polycarbonate structures. Adjoining panels on the same plane or pitch to 5 degrees up or down. High quality supple EPDM gasket with cord, re-tained in situ by special design. Install wet or dry – no increased costs due to wet weather construction Maintenance friendly – damaged glazing is easily replaced – remove caps, loosen screws, replace damaged panel and tighten Capex down. Concealed Fixings for high quality finish. Ideal for capping single, double or triple glazed glass, acrylic and polycarbonate structures. Adjoining panels on the same plane or pitch to 5 degrees up or down. High quality supple EPDM gasket with cord, re-tained in situ by special design. Install wet or dry – no increased costs due to wet weather construction Maintenance friendly – damaged glazing is easily replaced – remove caps, loosen screws, replace damaged panel and tighten Capex down.
Fitting Instructions:
Remove rubber seals from aluminium.
Cut aluminium to required length with a hacksaw.
Cut rubber seals to the same length as aluminium and reinsert in grooves.
Position the capping profile on the glazing material and screw into rafter.
Fix endcap in position and dip screw cover in position.